Me empolguei respondendo uma questão no forum de Questionable Content, onde uma pessoa comentou que 1 keg de espresso provavelmente mataria Hannelore. Eis a minha resposta :P
Actually, yes, a lot less espresso could kill someone (hopefully no one will try it ;) )
According to Coffee Faq, the LD_50 of caffeine (that is the lethal dosage reported to kill 50% of the population) is estimated at 10 grams for oral administration. As it is usually the case, lethal dosage varies from individual to individual according to weight. Ingestion of 150mg/kg of caffeine seems to be the LD_50 for all people. That is, people weighting 50 kilos have an LD_50 of approx. 7.5 grams, people weighting 80 kilos have an LD_50 of about 12 grams.
1 keg = more or less 54,12 liters. With a shot of espresso being more or less 50 ml with 100 mg of coffeine on it, 6 liters would be enough to kill anyone, nine times it surely would kill her before she did even finish to drink it ;)
But then, Hanners is a webcomic character AND the espresso is webcomic espresso, made with webcomic beans etc. They work as the mind of Jeph tells then to do ;)
Quer saber quanto você precisaria beber do seu drink preferido para se matar? Coloque seu peso (seja honesto! rs...) e escolha sua bebida cafeinada preferida no Death by Caffeine, e ele diz pra você :)