domingo, agosto 29, 2004

This song is for you. This silent melody that echoes in my soul every time I remember your eyes shining in the darkness. I'm afraid of the strange beauty that I see inside these eyes. It's a sadness so unique that makes me pray to never let me see them again and at the same time to cross your path encore une fois... For another glimpse of your soul could make me fall in depths so deep that I don't dare to imagine, for they should be forbidden to someone like me to even reach their borders... And even knowing this, the most forbidden the more adored you are and shall I forever contempt myself in bathing my eyes into your sight, shadowed in a corner so you don't see my foolishness. In the darkness of my room I shall sing this wordless song dreaming forbidden dreams risen by the feeble touch of your lips on my face and ask the night to go on forever so I should never wake up to discover the deed I shall pay to the risin' sun that waits for me - to live a life I didn't ask for... Dark angel, would you one day have pity on me or just laugh at my dreams as so many other did before? I shall rest silent in my shadowed corner, for I'm afraid your laughter would make me die.