sexta-feira, julho 05, 2002


Leiam: "Back in the 70's, a young man, name of David Jones.. you might know him as David Bowie, started name dropping a band as an influence. The Band was called "The Velvet Underground", and nobody had heard of them.
So David produced an album for Lou Reed. And it was good. People, okay, students, start to check out a good few of the old albums. Suddenly, the Andy Warhol album starts to become essential in all students record collections. And I, in 1990 fall madly in love with the music and poetry of Lou Reed..."

Eu tava procurando as Lyrics de AFTER HOURS, e dei de cara com as chords. É MAIS do que eu tava pedindo! O cara ainda diz quantas cervejas ele tomou antes de tentar tocar a música LOL!!!

Eu tenho um caso de amor com eles... Heroin é a única droga que escuto. Marisa Monte já gravou Pale Blue Eyes. E sempre estive Waiting for my Man (Here he comes, he's all dressed in black/Beat up shoes and a big straw hat/He's never early, he's always late/First thing you learn is you always gotta wait/ I'm waiting for my man - Já pensou Tori Amos cantando isso?). Prestem atenção nos lyrics.
After Hours
(o vocal é feminino e fofo e a batida é... saltitante. Pianinho plim-plim-plim ou batidinha no violão, RS)

If you close the door, the night could last forever
Keep the sunshine out and say hello to never
All the people are dancing and they're havin such fun
I wish it could happen to me
but if you close the door, I'd never have to see the day again.

If you close the door, the night could last forever,
Leave the wineglass out and drink a toast to never
Oh, someday I know someone will look into my eyes
and say hellooooooooo -- you're my very special one--
but if you close the door, I'd never have to see the day again.

Dark cloudy bars
Shiny Cadillac cars
and the people on subways and trains
Looking gray in the rain
As they stand disarrayed
And if you close the door, the night could last forever.
Leave the sunshine out and say hello to never
all the people are dancing and they're having such fun
I wish it could happen to me
'Cause if you close the door, I'd never have to see the day again.
I'd never have to see the day again.
(once more)
I'd never have to see the day again.

Eu sempre imagino assim: um quarto de hotel, a garota sentada na beira da cama cantarolando. Coisas espalhadas pelo chão. O momento exato em que o cara fecha a porta do quarto e eles vão ficar a sós, aquele momento em que você sabe que daqui a pouco ele vai te beijar, sabe, ele fechou a porta e começou a caminhar na sua direção. Que se dane o mundo, eu quero ficar nos seus braços e não quero ver o dia chegar. Quero que você feche a porta do quarto e venha sentar aqui comigo. Nem quero saber da vida lá fora, gente medíocre, problemas do dia-a-dia. Feche a porta do quarto e venha fazer a noite durar pra sempre, vamos esquecer do mundo e nos divertir um pouquinho. E quem sabe você não é my very special one? If you close the door I'd never have to see the day again.

Naaaahhh... eu não gosto da outra tradução. A minha é mais legal.
